Welcome to Electrolysis NYC, Limoges Beauty

Welcome to my new blog.

I am excited to start blogging about all things electrolysis for permanent hair removal.

I have enjoyed working with my clients performing services and discussing my methodology during sessions. Many of my clients have asked questions about me and electrolysis in general. I will use this forum to expand upon these topics and maybe teach the world more about this great method of hair removal.

Here at Limoges Electrolysis, we use the latest technology and stay up-to-date with the newest techniques. We take great pride in reducing discomfort and accomplishing permanent hair removal with the least amount of sessions. This saves you time and money!

We offer very affordable electrolysis in NYC. We always provide a clean, sanitary and professional office with sterile equipment. We perform hair removal services for women and men, and are LGBT friendly.

Emily is certified by New York State and a member of the American Electrology Association.
For more information on permanent hair removal or electrolysis hair removal, you can visit my website by following the links.

Related posts:
  1. 5 Myths About Electrolysis
  2. Electrolysis for Men
  3. How to Get the Best Results from Electrolysis: Part 1
  4. Electrolysis Methods and Technology


  1. Hair is probably one of the first things you notice about people when meeting them for the first time. This is especially true for women. Beautiful and shiny hair always leaves good impression, which is why proper hair care is important.
    hair removal


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