Five Habits That Ruin Your Skin

Healthy skin can help you maintain a youthful appearance as you age. While genetics play a role, some habits ruin your skin and cause premature aging. It is crucial to look at these factors and remain cautious to stop the damage. Most common habits You may be able to get away with a few days without sunscreen or sleeping a few nights wearing make-up, but bad habits can add up and can cause irreversible damage. Skipping skin treatments Collagen and elastin production reduce in your late twenties and early thirties, so your skin requires extra attention. Skin treatments can drastically improve the look and keep the problems at bay. Microneedling and PRP are popular and effective measures to address skin issues such as wrinkles, fine lines, tone, and texture. The benefits include fresh and rejuvenated skin. Poor Sleeping Habits The skin repairs itself during sleep, and not devoting adequate time to sleep can have negative consequences. The skin becomes dull, tired, and a...