Transgender Hair Removal
At its core, electrolysis is about a lot more than just hair removal. It offers the freedom to be who you really are. For those who are undergoing gender reassignment, electrolysis is often one of the keys towards meaningful self-expression. It can help you feel beautiful, boost confidence and feel externally aligned with your internal gender. When you feel attractive on the outside, it strengthens positive feelings on the inside. No matter your gender, nearly everyone takes certain measures to improve appearance. Of the countless health and cosmetic procedures and activities, electrolysis is just another way to get you one step closer to feeling good about yourself and your looks. We currently treat transgender clients and have treated transgender clients in the past. The primary areas that transgender clients seek treatment for are: The face and body : Main areas here include the cheeks, beard area, jawline and chin. We treat ingrown hairs that are common in the bea...